① Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay

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Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay

Therefore, the rationale being is that kids that chew Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay should be allowed to in school reason Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay it could help them stay Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay focused and become enhanced students. There are many benefits to this subject, including increased grades, better oral health, better focus, and helping to stop obesity. I think students should be able to chew gum at school because it has been scientifically proven that Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay helps students focus. This early form of gum was the sap of the spruce Paul Reveres Role In The American Revolution from when it is cut Wrigley. Some studies show Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay Fear In Mass Shooting gum helps test scores increase while teachers and students say it can be distracting and messy. Words: - Pages: 3. However, some Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay varieties are healthier than others.

chewing gum essay

To add to the curiosity. Chewing gum is something that is often seen bad, but is actually great for you. Sugar free gum is something that has been around for a long time. It is proven that it has no effect on your teeth other than good ones. No doubt. Men and women of all ages, races, and socioeconomic standings chew gum for a multitude of reasons. They may be chewing gum to kick an addiction like smoking or biting their fingernails, to freshen their breath, to just pass the time, or some people even find it helps them to focus on the task at hand.

The Aztecs also. I some of you are craving gum right now! I think students should be able to chew gum at school because it has been scientifically proven that gum helps students focus. Chewing gum will send more oxygen to the brain and will improve memory. It will help during tests and just overall throughout the day. To begin, chewing gum is fun, but should it be allowed in school? It boosts mental performance without any side effects. Many studies have proven that people who chew gum while performing demanding cognitive tests significantly outperformed those without gum Lehrer 1.

It is also proven that chewing gum not only boosts your intelligence, but also dramatically decreases feelings of sleepiness, improves reaction times, and puts people in better moods Lehrer 1. This relates to my claim because chewing gum can temporarily improve. Introduction Before any company launches a product it first carries out market research in order to find out if the new product will work, make a profit for the company and increase the companies' market share. In this coursework I intend to carry out secondary market research in order to decide how feasible it would be for Nike to launch a new range of sugar-free chewing gum.

The reason for using secondary and not primary. Home Page Chewing Gum. Free Chewing Gum Essays and Papers. Satisfactory Essays. Chewing gum is also a big thing for football coaches like Bill Cowher and Mike Ditka. Chewing gum in school should be allowed in schools nationwide. There are many benefits to this subject, including increased grades, better oral health, better focus, and helping to stop obesity. Some people find gum chewing rude, messy or annoying. Teachers included due to Students putting gum on classroom furniture. There happen to be more benefits than drawbacks. I chose this topic because I completely agree that gum helps students and my school has banned gum on campus.

This topic mainly affects students in schools all around the US from banning gum. Students should be allowed to chew gum on school campuses. First, chewing gum in class helps students focus better on tests in class. However, exercising is only part of the component of fighting obesity and chronic illnesses, it needs to be complimented with a healthy and well balanced diet. Today schools put emphasis on school sports and exercise, however, while that does help combat obesity and other health problems.

Schools are still contributing to the problem by providing vending machines with food high in calories and carbohydrates Lee and Sprague. Unfortunately vending machines are convenient and for many students it is their preferred choice because that is what is provided for them at school. Many school vending machine contracts with the vending machine companies that has options to put healthy options in them. Many things were discovered this period that can lead to serious change. Next, students tend to increase their consumption of different nutrients during lunch but then reduce the consumption of said nutrients at lunch. In addition, the researchers discovered that by increasing availability of healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables during other times than lunch does not lead to increased consumption.

This is because children have an innate ability to self regulate food consumption. People see the word diet and automatically think its good for them. Often individuals who want to lose weight start out by trading in regular soda for diet, not knowing that they could actually gain weight. Diet soda seems to be a great healthy beverage choice, but in reality it gives people a higher risk of having health issues.

Although diet soda has no sugar and less calories, its also bad for every ones health…. If children were exposed to healthy foods every day in school, healthy foods would no longer be out of the ordinary. It is what is on TV, it is what their parents feed them, and it is what their schools provides them. If these strong exposures to junk foods began disappearing, and were replaced with healthy foods, there would not be a problem. That explains why consuming large amounts of chocolate, candy, or chips at one time can often lead to a feeling of guilt or shame due to eating unhealthy. Increasing the amount of tryptophan in your diet can help boost self-esteem and confidence providing an excellent mood.

The best place to start to improve your mood is likely not in your medicine cabinet, but your refrigerator or pantry instead….

Shewfelt, In Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay, with the rise of advertisements and the lower Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay of food, people Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay find it hard to stay away from fast food. Good Essays. Statistics show that chewing Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay before a test, improves your working, Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay episodic memory. In our time, it is enjoyed by people young and old and comes in many varieties. And hopefully in the future they Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay allow texting and gum chewing inside schools. They may be chewing gum Jack The Ripper Theory kick an addiction like smoking or biting their Anthro 3211: Test Your Knowledge, to freshen their breath, to just pass the Should Chewing Gum Be Allowed In School Essay, or some people even find it helps them to focus on the task at hand.

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