⚡ Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis

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Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis

The reader sees the heartlessness Digital Reading Comparison Essay the district commissioner who is only concerned about the material he has accumulated for the book he wishes to publish Climax:. Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis andEuropeans were only seen in Africa to buy and Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis slaves from local chiefs. History: Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis Ibo people have been in Africa for thousands of years. Mom changes house to house and the children don 't Atticus Courage Quotes where to go. It is the pivotal theme that gives his writing such Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis deep and lasting impression on the reader. In case you can't find a relevant Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis, our professional Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis are ready to Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis you write a unique paper. It Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis many different dialects.


The intended audience for this novel is very broad, but if we tried to define it would primarily be people who have not experienced the Igbo culture and westerners or people who speak. Like a prism it reflects multiple lights, and the outcome is solely dependent upon the angle it is studied. In addition to its complexity of viewpoints, other words have been considered similar, if not used in the same.

Seen expertly in his best selling novel Things Fall Apart Achebe combines narrative techniques to give a voice to the Igbo tribe of Niger, accurately depicting them in a way they never had been before. His use of an evolving narrative view, ethnographic views and neutrality on tough subjects allows this novel to become an instant success and a great view into previously unexplored. Analyzing the processes of decolonization and early post-colony in Africa is a complex task. Especially when looking through the perspective of different nations that each followed their own path. They also help explore the complexities of nation building as well as political conflicts expression.

The praise he has received. The central values of the novel revolve around status, virtues, power, and traditions that often determine the futures and present of the characters in the Achebe story. The novel shows the life of the protagonist Okonkwo and his family, village, and Igbo culture and the affects. Igbo Tribe Analysis Words 2 Pages. In the Ibo tribe, the book evidently shows that their titles, trophies, and status is at the utmost importance.

Throughout the book, the Ibo tribe start to adapt new customs and traditions. Though this was an accident, Okonkwo has to abide with the law that deems he should be banished from his village for seven years. This is an unfortunate situation, since until then Okonkwo has been steadily rising in wealth as well as status in his community and very soon would have acquired more titles. The calamity however results in his downfall. Another parallel climax in the novel is when the missionaries inculcate the lives of the villagers. Until then the people were governed only by the traditional Ibo culture and were custom-bound, but the invasion of the missionaries changes the lives of the villagers tremendously. He discovers that everything has changed when he is not given the kind of welcome he had expected.

Okonkwo can no longer dream of becoming head of the village because he has lost too many years in exile, and when he returns, all of the customs, values and beliefs of the village have been destroyed. With the invasion of the Christians, the villagers find themselves at a loss. With their sweet words and strong beliefs, the missionaries manage to dissuade the villagers from their own religion and customs. The Christians even begin living in the evil forest, in order to prove to the villagers that all their beliefs about its evilness are baseless.

Twins and outcasts were allowed to nter into their church. The missionaries also provide many good services to the villagers. They build a church, a hospital, a school and also a court and trading store for the villagers. Yet ultimately the core of their culture has been subjugated to Western ideology and the traditional economy as well as social well being of the village is gone forever. Okonkwo was not born a great man, but he achieved success by his hard work. His father was a lazy man who preferred playing the flute to tending the soil. In order to prove his ability, he had overthrown the greatest wrestler in nine villages, set himself up with three wives, two barns filled with yams and a reputation for being a hard worker.

The reader learns that he was also one of the egwugwu-the masked spirits of the ancestors. His importance is proved when he is sent as an emissary to Mbaino in order to negotiate for hostages, and he returns successfully with a boy, Ikemefuna and a virgin. Okonkwo has his faults, one of them being his impatience of less successful men and secondly his pride over his own status. His stern exterior conceals a love for Ikemefuna, who lives with him; an anxiety over his son Nwoye, who seems to take after his father; and an adoration for his daughter Ezinma.

His fiery temperament leads to beating his second wife during the Week of Peace. He even shoots at her with his gun, but luckily he misses. This shows his short temper and a tendency to act on impulse, a tendency that backfires on him later on in the novel. The boy, Ikemefuna, is ordered to death by the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. Though Okonkwo is upset, he shows his fearlessness and impartiality by slaying the boy himself. This is a great disappointment for him although he is consoled and encouraged by his uncle, Uchendu. The reader now hears of the arrival of the Christian missionaries, who take over the village of Mbanta, as well as Umuofia, set up a church and proceed to convert the tribesmen to Christianity. After his period of exile, Okonkwo returns to Umuofia with his family and finds it totally changed.

The missionaries have done a lot for the village. Umuofia is prospering economically, but Okonkwo is firm in his refusal to charge his religion. The missionary Mr. Brown is overzealous in his methods. A Christian named Enoch enters a meeting of the tribe in which the egwugwu is present, and he unmasks one of them. This causes great anger, and the villagers make a decision to destroy the church, which they eventually do. This action incites the wrath of the District Commissioner, who invites Okonkwo along with five other men and overpowers and imprisons them.

These elders are humiliated in the prison. On their return, another meeting is held. The commissioner sends some men to stop the proceedings, and Okonkwo, in a fit of fury, beheads one of them. The tribe is disturbed and they let the other men escape. Finding no more support from his tribesmen, Okonkwo hangs himself. His world has fallen apart. You drove him to kill himself; and now he will be buried like a dog. With his death, the old way of life is gone forever. THEMES Major Themes The major theme of the novel is that British colonization and the conversion to Christianity of tribal peoples has destroyed an intricate and traditional age-old way of life in Africa.

The administrative apparatus that the British imposed on the cultures of Africa were thought to be just as well as civilizing although in reality they had the opposite effect of being cruel and inhumane practices that subjugated large native populations to the British. In conjunction with the colonizing practices, Western missionaries endeavored to move native peoples away from the superstitious practices that they perceived as primitive and inhumane and convert them to Christianity.

Another important theme that is explored in this book is the fallibility of a man like Okonkwo, who is ambitious and hardworking who believes strongly in his traditions. He wishes to achieve the highest title in his village but ultimately his rash and impetuous behavior leads to his fall. The reader also sees how Okonkwo refuses to break away from his traditional and religious values, which results in his own death. He refuses to conform to the forces of domination and therefore, one feels respect and admiration for such a strong individual.

Minor Themes One of the minor Themes that Achebe addresses in this book is the complex and subtle rites and traditions that make up Igbo culture. In his novel, Achebe explodes these Western constructions by presenting a society that is as complex and dynamic as any culture in Western society. His characters are also complex beings rather than stereotypes. It is in fact the white colonialists and missionaries who appear to be one-dimensional. Along with the major theme of the destruction of African culture due to colonization, the readers also see how orthodox traditions and customs rule the people of the society.

Absolute loyalty and obedience to the tribal religion is inculcated into the minds of the people from their childhood. Strict adherence to the laws, as well as gender roles create a community that is extremely close knit, but once this bond is broken, tribal ways give way easily and fall apart. This breakdown of society is seen as tragic as people suffer and communities become divisive. MOOD The title of the book as well as the epigram sets the tone of the novel quite accurately.

It comes from a W. The actual verse that Achebe uses as his epigram is: Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. Chaos and disruption pervade good portions of the novel as well as a sense f life being diminished and changing in ways that cannot be controlled. Throughout the novel, the mood is usually somber and tragic although there are moments of great celebration and joy during village ceremonies such as weddings and the Week of Peace. The villagers have strong faith and deep beliefs and do not allow any kind of laxness with their customs. Yet during the festival seasons or during the wrestling contests, the people lose some of their inhibitions and enjoy themselves.

The novel focuses on the downfall of Okonkwo and often conveys a sense of loss and tragedy. When the reader reads about the egwugwu, the marked representatives of the ancestral spirits, the mood conveyed is extremely dramatic and even frightening. Achebe was born in the Igbo formerly spelled Ibo town of Ogidi in southeastern Nigeria. For two years the language of instruction was Igbo and it was not until later when he was eight, Achebe started learning English. Because of this late introduction of English in his life, he was able to develop a pride in his culture and also appreciate his native language.

Achebe was educated at Government College, Umuahia and then at University College, Ibadan, where he studied liberal arts. His first stories were published during this period and later become the collection published in called Girls at War and Other Stories; afterwards he was able to visit Britain and the United States. It was published by Heinemann in and fame came practically overnight.

Returning to Nigeria, he continued to work for NBC and developed programs that aimed to develop a national consciousness about Nigerian culture and affairs. Because of his creative work, he was invited first by the University of Nigeria, Lagos, and for short periods by the American Universities of Massachusetts and Connecticut to teach. It is evident that Achebe is a writer who has conscious literary aims and political motives.

Well versed in the poetics of Western literature, he utilizes many Western literary genres. In this novel, he relies upon the genre of the English novel, but at the same time manages to weave native elements of African culture such as story telling and proverbs into the narrative. He also employs structural elements of classical Greek tragedy in which a flaw in the protagonist ultimately leads to his downfall. Ultimately, all his books share the theme of two cultures in conflict with each other: that of the West and Africa. The exploitation and colonization of Africa by the West is never overshadowed by the formal aspects of his work.

It is the pivotal theme that gives his writing such a deep and lasting impression on the reader.

This breakdown of society Huck Finn Dialect Analysis seen as tragic as people suffer and communities become divisive. The missionary Mr. Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis his credit, Achebe has written Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis other major novels since Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis Fall The roman spring of mrs stone. Okonkwo is a brave warrior and clan leader of the Igbo community of Umuofia. Along Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis the colonization of Umuofia, was the arrival of the white missionaries whose aim was to spread the message of Christianity and to convert Colonization Of The Igbo Tribe Analysis to their religion.

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